The Printings of the 1/- Orange Queen Victoria Keyplate Definitive Issue of Lagos Watermarked Crown CA 1884-1886
Overview Today's post will look at how to distinguish the six printings of the 1/- orange definitive of Lagos that was in use between 1884 and 1887 when it was replaced by the bi-coloured black and yellow green definitive stamp. The six printings were dispatched as follows: First printing - July 8, 1884 - 60 sheets of 60 stamps - 3,600 stamps. Second printing - December 16, 1884 - 60 sheets of 60 stamps - 3,600 stamps. Third printing - July 13, 1885 - 62 sheets of 60 stamps - 3,720 stamps. Fourth printing - December 29, 1885 - 60 sheets of 60 stamps - 3,600 stamps. Fifth printing - June 30, 1886 - 60 sheets of 60 stamps - 3,600 stamps. Sixth printing - October 12, 1886 - 68 sheets of 60 stamps - 4,080 stamps. It will immediately be apparent that the quantities dispatched for each printing were roughly the same, so I would expect that in a given group of stamps taken from random sources, that I should have roughly the same numbers of each printing, as they ar...