The Printings of the 10d Lilac and Yellow Orange Queen Victoria Keyplate Stamp From Lagos 1894-1901
Today's post concludes my examination of the three stamps issued in 1894 by Lagos to facilitate payment of insurance charges on registered parcels: the 5d, 7.5d and 10d. Several weeks ago we looked at the 5d lilac and dark green and concluded that there were approximately 18 printings and then the 7.5d lilac and crimson and concluded that there were 19 printings of those stamps. Given that only 43,380 stamps of the 10d were sent, compared to 55,620 stamps of the 7.5d, and 92,160 of the 5d, I would expect there to have been fewer printings, although it is entirely possible that there were as many printings consisting of fewer stamps each time, just was was the case with the 7.5d. Like the 5d, and 7.5d there were a lot of unsold remainders that were eventually destroyed - 23,100 out of the original 43,380, leaving only 20,280 stamps that were sold and either preserved in mint form, or used. I have 84 mint and used stamps of this value, which I initially sorted into the same five g...